Earthquake Resistant Steel Bars in Pakistan

Earthquake resistant steel bar is a must for any unshakable construction in Pakistan. As the fifth zone possess the highest risk of earthquakes among the five seismic zones of Pakistan, it’s essential to take an extra care while construction in Pakistan.

How to Buy the Best Earthquake Resistant Steel Bars for Your Project


Thermo Mechanically Treated steel bars better known as earthquake resistant steel bars are indispensable in the world of buildings are it in Pakistan or the world over. Earthquake resistant steel bar is by far, the best recognized symbol of power and durability that cannot be compromised through decades even in the face of extreme odds like fires, earthquakes etc. Earthquake resistant steel bars come in an array of different grades that are manufactured in specific ways to provide to different supplies of different construction projects.

However, irrespective of their grades and types, there are certain core qualities that are naturally present in all earthquake resistant steel bars and they include…

  • Unbeatable strength and durability with most resistance to fires and earthquakes
  • Enhanced flexibility, weld-ability, bend-ability, malleability etc
  • Eco friendly nature with recyclable properties

Earthquake Resistant Steel bars rate chart in Pakistan is usually reflective of these properties that are maintained by almost all top manufacturing steel companies to established national standard or to international levels.


How to choose the best Earthquake Resistant Steel Bars for Your Project?

Considering the importance of earthquake resistant steel bars and taking into account the fact that there are certain manufacturers that may be offering better quality steel bars at more competitive prices, it is necessary for serious project developers to choose their earthquake resistant steel bars wisely. Here are some of the best ways to land with Earthquake Resistant Steel bar options that will not be regretted later…

  • Firstly, it is imperative to locate a dependable and reputed manufacturer of earthquake resistant steel bars that are well established, preferably for decades in the market. Certain manufacturers in Lahore, and Islamabad, Punjab can be mentioned in this respect.
  • Secondly, it is imperative that the architects and project managers are well progressive with the right steel deformed bars grade and their composition while choosing the bars. For example, all ASTM A706  may not feature the same standard composition and other attributes like their ribs may also not exude the same levels of excellence. Therefore, approaching earthquake resistant steel bars with minimum knowledge about the subject can prove counterproductive.
  • Thirdly, never cheap out while buying earthquake resistant steel bars. Earthquake resistant steel bars price in Pakistan are usually known for being very reasonable but certainly not dirt cheap. Construction developers that insist on process that are below national average, knowingly or unknowingly, often land with earthquake resistant steel bars that does not stand the test of time.
  • Fourthly, checking the core attributes is very necessary while picking the right earthquake resistant steel bars for the project at hand. For example, features like flexibility, elongation, rib quality as well as naked eye test can lead to purchases that will never be regretted later.
  • Besides the mentioned, it is a must for developers to check relevant certifications of the company as well as the earthquake resistant steel bars before saying yes to the deal.